Has anyone else noticed that Thunderbird hasn’t been resurrected and that Warpath hasn’t appeared on Krakoa? I feel like this is a deliberate omission on Hickman’s part, and that it’s going to be a significant plot point. I could see Warpath being of the opinion that resurrection is an abomination, and he wants no part of Krakoa because of it. Moreover, I could see him forbidding Xavier from bringing Thunderbird “back” through what is little more than a glorified cloning process. I’m certainly not an expert on Apache or Native American culture and spiritual beliefs, but I think this would be a fascinating plot point to be explored. I also think that Kurt was far too comfortable with the process, even though he did express his concerns to Cyclops in X-Men 7. I would really like to see Hickman confront the ethical ramifications of the resurrection process through the religious and/or spiritual characters of the X-Books. Thoughts?