Quote Originally Posted by KNIGHT OF THE LAKE View Post
The problem with Superman is you almost have to nerf him or come up with contrivances for why he can’t do things. You almost can’t have inside levels because there’s no reason why if there’s a threat he needs to get to he can’t just shoot through all the walls/ceilings or heat vision someone from a distance. You either need to nerf his speed or a massive map that’s near impossible to fill up like DBZ Kakarot so it can feel like that power matters but doesn’t break the game. Flight mechanics are another issue and you need to also combine that with super speed which means you pretty much lose the novelty of travel the way Batman and Spider-Man games make it fun. Or you set him on a planet with a red sun, or have him lose most powers only to get them back towards the end when most of the campaign is done, or you give the city a health bar. Basically a bunch of excuses for why Superman can’t be player like Superman. Even combat, you need ground and flight combat and it’s gotta almost be basic because there is no reason Supes should be in drag em out tactical fights unless he is facing bosses.

Look at Superman Returns’ game. It’s not a bad showcase of his powers.... but the second he flys or uses super speed you know you are in sandbox. It’s like playing a game with cheats on. By nature he is going to make everything feel smaller
The problem is not coming up with a game that simply allows Superman to be Superman. That is what game designers do, that is what designing a game is. They can do it, they can do it easy.

The problem is it won't sell. People do not actually want to play as Superman. No guns, no swords, no blood, no grit.