Something that often bothered me is how many lengths DC and other comics go to keep their heroes in their prime this is painfully evident especially with Batman and his robins. I feel like they shouldn't be afraid of just moving forward with their characters and aging them like in Generations and the like. I mean I love the heroes but the Big Three really feel less like pillars and more like shackles no character is allowed to surpass them or stand as their equal and it makes the story stale. Seriously most stories are just repeats of shit done before like Crisis. I mean that title has been done to death.

Something I'd like to see would be a massive uprising by all the villains and for it to be a coordinated attack with the big heroes getting taken out not by their arch foes but by lesser known villains working together. I think this would be good to see I mean imagine Superman going up against two or three D List villains that haven't been around since the golden age expecting it to be easy and then they work together and are completely revamped and managed to successfully beat Superman mean while all the other major heroes are either getting killed or forced on the run.

I like this idea because it'd be different from what is normally seen and I honestly think it'd be a nice change up and surprise fans that are used to the typical good guys winning. Also like I said it'd be a good way to move the lives of other characters forward have side kicks step up maybe have characters like Starfire and Raven stop being teens and grow up finally so they can evolve. I think it'd be cool if Raven became consumed by evil and became Trigon's top enforcer or became a powerful villain in her own right.

I mean a massive event that forever changes the lives of all the heroes would be epic to see but it'd have to be done right. Also I like the idea of a classic villain being behind something like that and explains to the popular villains by saying they were a joke and taking a dig at them saying something like "Why would I rely on a bunch of losers who have failed more times than anybody else to help take on the heroes?" I mean a dig like that would be true to because Lex and the others have in many ways failed to stop the heroes more than anyone so I can see how someone would not want them or any of the of other big villains to be part of a plan that involves taking down all the heroes.

All in all I think it'd be awesome to see the DC universe have to recover from something like the Justice League being defeated completely and forced underground for a long period of time like having remaining heroes spend years barely able to fight the villains and win which I think would add to whatever victories the remaining heroes get. It would also really stress the importance of a secret identity and the heroes being down and having difficulties just keeping in contact would make team ups more rare and more special I think.

This is what really gave me the idea and I think it'd be interesting something like this happened to the Justice League (all the different teams as well)