Quote Originally Posted by Lightning Rider View Post
See, that's the key difference for me. Your boss has a duty, a responsibility to ensure that you are lawfully protected from abuse or discrimination. Your boss also has a clear amount of institutional power over you. Fisher has no control over what his coworkers do in their private lives, and while it would appear Miller's actions can't be justified by any kind of "playing around" excuse, he doesn't know for sure becuase the situation has nothing to do with him. It's unfair to browbeat someone who claims they suffered abuse for not calling out other instances of abuse that have nothing to do with them or aren't analogous situations. And if we're going to assume he can use his contacts to find out whether that woman received any kind of restitution, we must also assume that we don't know if Fisher knows that and keeps quiet on that basis. That's multiple layers of speculation.
Fisher has shown so far he's acting without concern of what his bosses think when it comes to abuse, the others do the standard thing which is staying silent. Not that this is good, either, of course. Fisher has control over how he reacts to their allegations, and in some cases evidence, which both are in the public eye and he's chosen to do nothing. We don't know what Fisher thinks of Heard or Miller but we do know he's not making any waves about the abuse allegations when it comes to them and they're both work colleagues of his. High profile ones. Either abuse matters or it doesn't - and I'm getting mixed signals from Momoa and Fisher here. All I'm asking for is for Fisher to give a statement about what he thinks of the Miller situation about that fan, but even this is not something he will do. Not even a show of support like Momoa and the Iris actress did with him. Nothing. There are multiple layers but they're not all good for Fisher, which is a problem. Fisher doesn't have to personally be in the room when his co-workers abuse something, or have allegations to form an opinion about it. We have more proof about their abuse allegations than his. This is why it's hypocritical.

As far as Fisher not giving details, I've already outlined the strategic reasons for it. I think it's weird that fans feel entitled to these details right away. Sure it's frustrating not to hear a concrete accusation, but this process has only just begun and any potential claims have to be preserved with accuracy, not blurted out.
If #MeToo had done what's Fisher's doing it wouldn't have gotten the victories it had. He's not doing anything like what they did. Details must be given or they go nowhere. That's not entitlement it's so we know what he wants us to back him for. That's how these things work. Fisher hasn't got a preserved claim, he said abuse once in a statement with no context.This is the problem. He has no accuracy with his account. Except these sort of accusations being with the details, this isn't a court case at this stage, even public opinion requires some detail on what we're supposed to support.