Quote Originally Posted by Bored at 3:00AM View Post
Agreed. Dan Harmon's handling of his own past mistakes is the best example of how to handle something like this. You don't dig in, you stop and listen, and try to re-evaluate your own actions, then you try to make them right. For his part, it sounds like Berg has done that. Given how viciously Fisher's attacked Johns publicly, I can understand why John isn't really ready to be quite so conciliatory, but I think it would honestly be the best choice for him. He should call up Fisher and simple talk and listen to what the man has to say and apologize for any offence he may have given, whether intentional or not. If Fisher's gracious enough, perhaps he'll begin to understand Johns' perspective more, too. Throwing bombs at each other through Twitter and PR teams is certainly not the way to solve this.
Probably the worst thing he can do, at best Fisher will go public saying Geoff Johns is scared and trying to save his career, at worst Fisher go public saying Johns is trying to manipute him.
Also, after WarnerMedia more or less come forward saying they found no wrong doing from Johns, he calling their accuser to apologize is basically a admition of guilt and that the company lied.