Quote Originally Posted by otipep_90 View Post
Perfect this works with what Claremont, Davis, and Morrison all established with their Phoenix Mythos. I believe that the WPoTC is the ultimate level the Phoenix Avatars can achieve (temporarily) when tapping directly to the Crown Chakra and the Phoenix Consciousness. Also I would like to add that giving Jean some struggles is great. Bendis did it with Teen Jean, which helped break the misconception that Adult Jean was perfect because she became a Martyr. Just make sure Jean doesn’t appear to be petty or crazy, which are all bad cliche for female characters and is ultimately unheroic.
LOL no way. The chief writer stated that lack of genuine respect for Jean's character, is why writers have mishandled her so. She and Phoenix will have their moments of triumph, error, exploration, and even come to terms with dealing with things they can't change or alter, and learn to embrace whatever is beyond understanding, rather than combat it. Jean especially has to learn to control the Phoenix, not let it control her as there are revelations leading to Jean realizing the errors of some of Phoenix's judgement. Being able to "let go" of trying to control certain situations, actually helps her to break certain barriers, allowing her to better understand the full, highly complex picture.

Jean Grey isn't the only major player in the Phoenix Trilogy, however her story with Phoenix boils down to "we are the makers of our demons... but learn to embrace them, rather than destroy them". The other party has a long way to discover his true identity and purpose, in spite of the occultists and rogue mutants wanting him to be one thing, the Phoenix Force and the cosmos deeming him a monster that shouldn't be, and everyone in between. That, in spite of himself, and despite what even the Phoenix Force and entire cosmos deems him to be, only he can determine his own Destiny and purpose. As both parties find such solace, they are able to find true answers to so many things unexplained.