Got some spare time at work so I thought I'd make some matches.

The Lord of Shadows and his army of minions is warped onto Coruscant at the height of Jedi Temple's power. All named Jedi featured in the films are at home and they have a medium sized detachment of Clone Troopers at their disposal.

Jin-Woo gets one hour of invisible recon but can take no offensive or preparatory action. He is briefed as to roughly what a Jedi is and can do. He will then be warped to 100 yards from the main entrance.

The Jedi get an all hands alert two minutes before he appears, not what he is exactly but a feeling of a horrifically dark presence approaching them.

Jin-Woo's win condition is he must slay all active members of the Jedi Order of fighting age. No need to kill the Younglings.

The Jedi Order must repel or slay him.

As soon as battle commences and impenetrable forcefield will surround the temple. If Jin-Woo voluntarily leaves the area or is otherwise forced out and kept out for a 10 count, then that will also count as a win.

Who triumphs? Can the Light Side of the Force stand against the Master of the Dead?