Probably not worth it's own thread, because there isn't much to it, but oh well.

Some bullet points:

- Excalibur pitch started by Tini being interested in what happens to Apocalypse in this new era, she thought he would want to go back and reclaim what has been lost over the years.
- Her interest in mutant magic is more about how magic functions culturally in a society and not so much about fireballs and spells and such.
- The Excalibur data pages were meant to foreshadow and really only make sense once the story develops. She and the interviewers seem to think that's great.
- Tini describes her writing story as a long game. She's okay with readers being temporarily confused because she believes the payoff of the build up is worth it. Appreciates readers who are patient and trust her to eventually deliver.
- The tarot in XoS is less about telling the future and more about explaining the characters and their role. Cards are chosen very purposefully.
-Listener question answers: Betsy's body swap and issues will be addressed eventually
- The idea behind [A]'s name is that it is only for mutants, the symbol was designed by Hickman.
- The Fury might be showing up in Excalibur.
- the Green Lagoon is mostly run by Fred Blob Dukes, Pixie works there sometimes.

Hearing about her writing style explains a lot of my frustrations with Excalibur so far. There are a lot of writers who write for the long game, the trades, but that only works when the monthly issues are also satisfying on their own, and to me they mostly aren't. The issues of Excalibur that I have enjoyed most are the ones where things finally come to a head and the plot advances, everything leading up to those two issues reads like poorly executed filler, there isn't even particularly interesting character work to make those between issues compelling. Too many questions with a poor balance of answers being delivered, and once they are they are mostly underwhelming and the characters are being under served by the plot.