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  1. #1
    Mighty Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Default the 1960s-1990s were much simpler

    When our favorite Marvel heroes were introduced in the 1960s it was a great time to be a comic fan. You had the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, the Avengers and a whole host of other heroes coming out. Great storylines would be coming down the pipeline with Death of Gwen Stacey Chris Claremont's run in X-Men. You had tv shows like The Incredible Hulk but the show runner wanted it be different from what the comic source material was a Fugitive style series. You had a Japanese Spider-Man and a Spider-Man live action movie but it bombed. Basically the intrusion of movies and shows didn't affect Marvel at all. Dolph Lundegren's Punisher is another example. Looking at it, it looks like a typical generic 80s film. Batman 1989 came out but that just made Batman popular as an IP, but even then DC was telling good stories in comics. Then, with Marvel X-MEN(2000) and Spider-Man(2002) happened followed by Iron Man(2008) and the introduction of the MCU. Now I feel like the DC Marvel execs intrude on good comic storytelling. Tony was gradually drawn to look more like RDJ and Clint Barton's costume was changed to t-shirt and shades. If I want to see movie Hawkeye, I'll pop in my blu-ray. If I want to read good Iron Man stories, I'm going to read the comics. Basically, what I'm trying to say is the comics should influence the movies, not the other way around. Or just treat them as separate entities. There are good writers and artists for Marvel out there. Let them do their thing. Not have execs dictating to them to write a first draft of a script for the new movie.

    Conclusion: I love the movies/shows and the comics. Let them each be their own thing.

  2. #2
    Astonishing Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2019


    To be fair, the Animated Series did infact influence comics with plot elements being taken from there.

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