Looking for better comic discussion? Did you read something really great, or notice something really cool that you just gotta talk about? Wanna revel in and commiserate in the joys and frustrations of being a Marvel fan? Welcome to the IAM Marvel Community -- a place of general Marvel talk where individual tastes are shared, reviews are given, news is broken, and stances are taken. Named in honor of The Irredeemable Ant-Man, any and all posters are welcome. Tell us your favorites when it comes to comics, get to know us, and join in the fun!

What originally began as a very early preemptive save The Irredeemable Ant-Man thread grew into the largest subforum thread Newsarama had ever seen, eventually outlasting the title, and turning into a community thread. This is an all purpose general Marvel discussion thread where people can hopefully get to know each other and talk not only about Marvel Comics, but anything else that comes up. This thread had 28,508 posts on Newsarama, and then they went and changed, so we set up refugee camp here. The original thread in all its classic goodness may be found here.

Here at CBR, we grew larger than ever, prospered, laughed, cried, bitched, poked fun at, and spoke wisdom for a year and a half, and things were a comic talk utopia of sorts.

Then came...THE SHADOW LOCK. It came in an early morning stealth attack during the Board Memory Crisis that was happening concurrently. In order to spare the body, a really sexy limb had to be severed, though thankfully, benevolent moderator Expletive Deleted allowed said limb to be preserved, where it can be read in all of its 59,971 posts of baffling IAM 2.0 glory (and bathed in formaldehyde), here. Naturally, we neared 5k posts on Versions 3.0-16.0, and then came a new 10k post limit with 17.0, taking things up to IAM 22.0...THEN CAME SHADOW THE GREAT BOARD OVERHAUL/SHADOW LOCK II: LOCK HARDER!!! IAM 22.0, only a scant few weeks old had 664 posts in it, and now we're at the Jordanesque IAM 23.0, making this post #209,564.


* bebopeva88: Founder, President, dictator, and role model to many. Prone to going stabby when enraged. Has several personas, including, but not limited to bebopstradamus, an eerily accurate comic prophet, and P-bebop and N-bebop, which have been documented by other regulars as an overly positive, almost naive bebop, and a bile spewing negative bebop who will most certainly bring you down. Defends Jim Lee to the death.

Loves: Wolverine, Jim Lee, Bloc Party, Cowboy Bebop, and the Phillies to a shocking degree. Loves Marvel, though it treats him like an abusive spouse, and he's confounded by DC's ineptitude. Word is, he's also responsible for shaping the minds of the current generation, so be afraid, oh yes, be very afraid. Resident comic art and anime guy.

Fan crush: Scarlett Johansson, January Jones, and...Jim Lee.

Pet creators: Jim Lee, Cho, Bachalo, Sean Murphy, Rocafort, Ellis, Charest, and CLAY MANNNNNNNNNNNNN

Particular comic likes: Jim Lee, Warren Ellis, Wolverine, Batman, Cho, Charest, Coipel, McNiven, Bachalo, Jae Lee, Cassaday, Dodson, Cheung, Williams III, the Kubert Bros., Art Adams, Quitely, Yu, Brubaker, Aaron, crime & noir stories, Noh-Varr, shiny holofoil covers and gatefolds, Eric O'Grady, Black Bolt, CLAY MANN.

Particular comic dislikes: the art of Rob Haynes, Steve Uy, Khoi Pham, Greg Land, Niimura, and Larry Stroman. The writing of nu-Claremont, Way, Austen, Casey and most Pak; Molly Hayes, all Flashes, most GL's, DC continuity, especially the Multiverse and multiple origins, Marvel's recent attempt to put awful creators on things he likes, IGN Comics' stupidity, Pixie, Legion, Wonder Man, Tigra, Daken, Wasp, She Hulk, Aunt May, perpetually stupid and regressing Peter Parker, nu-Deadpool, Loeb's Wolverine, nu-Wolverine origin & continuity

Origin:Stabbed by a radioactive hobo whilst oogling a Jim Lee illustrated X-Men issue, bebop fell into a coma, upon which he awakened weeks later as a stronger, smarter, still very white comic fan dictator. Those who opposed him were crushed, and those who sided with him were permitted to be underlings. Unhappy with the current state of the things, he decided to shape the world into a vision of his own via a most assured method -- by molding the minds of the upcoming generations. Once he deems fit, the bebopocalypse will be unleashed, and once that happens, well...things will go 'slode, that's for sure. And bebop will rule all.

* RedRonin: Leader of a vicious simian army; hates Jim Lee's art despite having otherwise good taste in comics; ignores Booster, calls Kernel retarded every 12.7 minutes; surely doomed during the bebopapocalypse due to his Lee hate; only his Charest love may spare him; warns of impending simian doom, prone to shocking outbursts about his hate for PETA. Likes to be coy about his ethnicity, but we all know he's Samoan. Self proclaimed resident a-hole (except when it's Hurnslice, as seen in the "Staples Incident"). Butcher of the English language. :wink:

Fan crush: Alison Brie, Katy Perry, Christina Hendricks' boobs...and Stuart Immonen.

Pet creators: Immonen, Charest, Hickman, the Knaufs, Sean Murphy, Skottie Young

Particular comic likes: Iron Man, Black Panther, Warren Ellis, Travis Charest, Yu, Aja, Disco Dazzler, Coipel, Immonen, Lark, dreaming of Larroca's departure from IM, Jason Aaron, Medusa, Darkhawk, Skottie Young, and Brandon Peterson, despite his blindingly garish colors and shininess.

Particularly dislikes: The art of Jim Lee (I think he's faking it though), Uy, Pham, Stroman, and Land; Amadeus Cho, the creepy RASL guy, most anime, DC's continuity/stupidity, num, Boostered, Twilight, Greg Pak, Legion, IGN Comics' stupidity, Frank Miller, Jubilee, Fraction's butchering of Iron Man...and also the majority of things done to Iron Man over the past decade aside from Extremis.

Origin: Raised by apes, who stole the hairy baby from his unsuspecting mother, RR rose through the ranks to eventually become leader, after being so much of an a-hole to the former leader, that he swallowed his own tongue. Retreating to Samoa to escape large gatherings of people, he eventually came to the US mainland -- California to be exact, a baffling move by non-simian standards. Wielding a mastery of misogyny and racism, he masquerades as a student by day, and presents a danger to all as Simian King. Watch your genitals.

* Sentry/Void aka Kid Impulse aka S/V: Human DCU encyclopedia; thinks being British is an occupation, had horrid taste in art, but is slowly improving. Prone to loving and leaving writers an a regular basis, and also to highly anticipating something, and then quickly hating it. Resident music guy. Has 28 comics that first got him into comics, and gets run over by cars. Provides occasional revelations about his likes, each one more shocking than the last. Largely has abandoned comics for music. Moves a lot.

Fan crush: Kieron Gillen

Pet creators: Kieron Gillen, FVL, JRJR (looks-wise), Skottie Young

Particular comic likes: The Spot, Bart Allen, Umbrella Academy, Scott Pilgrim, Gillen, FVL, speedsters (particularly Bart Allen), Manapul, David Aja, Skottie Young, and smiley heroes, Paul Cornell

Particular comic dislikes: Nighthawk, Longshot, Pixie, Hal Jordan, people messing with Bart Allen, J. Scott Campbell

Origin: Found in a dumpster behind a Manchester club, young S/V was always singing Brit pop, and proclaiming every other comic he got to be the one that got him into the hobby. In an event that has never fully been explained, he somehow downloaded the entire history of the DCU into his brain, most of which fit, but some of which was crowded out due to the resident info related to obscure British bands and break up songs. He serves as a general IAM ambassador overseas, but mostly I think he goes to concerts.

* Kernel: resident thread Butters; enjoys posting seemingly drunken pics of himself; took like a year and 2000+ posts to finally effing read IAM; used to have a mullet; now can drive and has a job, which he doesn't let anyone forget. Likes raping Books-A-Million, and hating on books that are otherwise universally loved. Dungeon master. Questionable taste in women. Dislikes many good comics. Dreaded Chew fan. Makes fantastic videos. Love of FiddleFaddle's life until recently being spurned in favor of RR.

Fan crush: Hayden Panettiere, Kanye West

Pet creators: Marco Checchetto (weird, right?), JRJR, Deodato, Morrison

Particular comic likes: Spider-Man, JRJR, mullets, Deodato, Checchetto, Venom/symbiotes, his Gale hating fetish, Chew, Batman, Grant Morrison

Particular comic dislikes: hardcore Morrison fans (until he became one), Bob Gale & Freak, Criminal, Batwoman

Origin: Birthed in the inbred infested swamps of the backwoods of NC, Kernel emerged from the womb with a mullet and a love for the absurd. Bankrupted due to his mother spending all of the family's savings on what should've been a cheap ebay auction, and losing all of his own personal assets on a Weezer CD, Kernel turned to a life of crime and comics raping in large book stores. After doing hard time, Kernel decided to walk the straight and narrow, and is now a student, with an actual job, and can likely be found discovering bands like Muse in 2009, using cool new terminology from 10 years ago, and listening to Kenye West.