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    Mighty Member Shai-Hulud's Avatar
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    Oct 2014

    Default Querl Dox vs Amadeus Cho

    Querl Dox vs Amadeus Cho

    * Brainiac Five (Querl Dox) from Pre-Crisis continuity.

    * 616 Amadeus Cho.

    Round 1: They are given equivalent resources, twenty-four hours to build weapons and defenses, and then placed in the arena. No previously existing weapons, no Hulk powers.

    Round 2: They are given equivalent laptops hooked into the same network. The goal is to hack into the enemy's laptop and crash it. First to do this wins.

    Round 3: They are given a series of progressively more difficult cosmic equations. The first to get a wrong answer loses. If one contestant falls three equations behind the other, he loses.

    Round 4: Unarmed hand-to-hand combat. No Hulk powers for Cho. No force field belt, etc, for Querl.

    Round 5: Standard arena match. Querl gets standard equipment, including force field belt. Cho gets standard equipment for himself, plus he's a Hulk.

    Bonus Question: One of the Plot Gods offers you your choice of either a Coluan 12th-level effector mind at the level of Querl (no risk of mental instability), or a hyper-mind at the level of Amadeus (no metabolism problems).

    Answer for any or all.

    Or just compare and contrast the abilities of the characters in a way that's illuminating.
    Last edited by Shai-Hulud; 10-13-2020 at 09:47 PM.

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