Quote Originally Posted by skyvolt2000 View Post
Sorry I have to side with Fergus on this. Because we have seen this mess way too many times from DC.

We will KEEP calling DC out because we KEEP seeing this mess over and over.

If you are trying to sell a 2 month filler-I should see Damian, Wallace and Duke because unlike Bunker, Vixen and Power Girl they were ALL in books recently. Yes those 3 are seen but how many times have we seen CRAPPY cameos with no dialogue. Or a crappy cameo PERIOD.
We saw it with Steel in Doomsday Clock. Heck we saw it with Jakeem Thunder in Teen Titans. Hotspot in Sideways.

In fact where is Cyborg at? Mister Terrific?

Also why is it when we have FILLER-suddenly DC realize they have POC?
In Convergence suddenly folks remembered Natasha Irons had a BROTHER. Who was not seen for almost 20 years.

We can find diverse writers for filler yet can't for most DC main books. Suddenly we got editors who don't mind diversity for FILLERS.

FUNNY they want to toss in POC when MILESTONE is slated to pop up again.

It's not to say folks won't buy these books. But we that doesn't mean we can call out DC. It's not HARD to notice and that is the issue. If you work on being diverse EVERY DAY folks will stop noticing.

Diverse is more than background and cameos and POC needing to be bossed around by Batman.
That reminds me... who's the black Titan who died in Heroes in Crisis because Tom King wanted to make a reference to BLM?