Some of the new stuff:

* There's an official timeline for when the Future State books are set, and the directly Superman-associated stuff goes as such:

2025: Batman/Superman
2030: Superman of Metropolis, Superman: Worlds of War, Suicide Squad
2040: Justice League
2050: Superwoman, Superman vs. Imperius Lex
2070: Superman/Wonder Woman
3000: House of El, Legion of Superheroes

* Superman's fighting Mongul's more ambitious son in Worlds of War, which Bendis seems to have set up.

* Superman left Earth in part because of some looming massive off-Earth threat, and House of El mentions the family gearing up to face something massive and long-in-the-making; I suspect they're the same thing and that's why PKJ's writing both.

* Conner Kent isn't identified as Superman in the 'who's who' of the Future State promo image.

* There's a concept design for Jon that shows him both with and without a cape, unclear if that was a sketch figuring it out or if we'll see him in both.

* Oddly, it's restated that Superman/Wonder Woman is about a fledgling Jonathan and Yara's first team-up, even though it's set much farther on the timeline than the others: I'd say its 2070 listing is a misprint, but it's the only book set during that year so that seems unlikely? Plus Wonder Woman itself is in 2050. Maybe it's a time-travel thing, or maybe the solicit is misleading and this is about a Superman III or something, hence the different costume. Anyway, Solaris is basically having a pissing match with a local sun god and each of the heroes is only qualified to solve half the problem, so there you go.

* Bendis is making a show of playing coy with how far in the future Legion is set, so the 'Legion 5000' title that was leaked seems likely even though it's listed for 3000.