Quote Originally Posted by Devaishwarya View Post
I like Kwannon being a blank slate, more or less. We know who Betsy is. We really have no idea about Kwannon...other than what we got in FA. That's great opportunity for exploration and development of the character.
I would have loved for Kwannon to be something other than Asian-Betsy/Psylocke, to have her own unique personality (perhaps she was a quirky fun-loving person, like Yukio, in life? Someone who paradoxically embraced life to the fullest, since she was an instrument of death for the Hand and knew it wouldn't last?), and her own powers (rumor had it she was, at best, a low-level psychic, not a world-class telepath who could make telekinetic swords) such as weak psychometry (better for tracking peeps and learning their weaknesses) and empathy (best to savor their fear, and cauterize her own).

But she's just Asian Psylocke, it seems, kind of quiet and serious. Which, after decades of Asian Psylocke, is kinda dull.