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  1. #1
    A Wearied Madness Vakanai's Avatar
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    Default DCEU or standalone for which characters?

    We've got a very hit or miss mixed cinematic universe, and we have non-shared universe films like JOKER and the upcoming The Batman trilogy. The Flash movie news obviously shows we're going the Multiverse route. So which characters do you want in the DCEU? And which do you think will do better in a movie set outside the shared universe?

    Personally I want a good Superman movie, and I don't see the DCEU version delivering with all that baggage. No offense to Cavill, but I want a new guy in a reboot film detached from the DCEU (Cavill can stay as a supporting Superman in DCEU team ups, just no solo film).

    More obscure or unimportant to the larger picture characters can do well in their own continuities. The Question, Constantine, Swamp Thing, Amethyst Princess of Gemworld, etc.

    Honestly I wish the JSA had their own film universe like the old comics with their own earth.

    Some though benefit more from a shared universe. Blue Beetle and Booster Gold need a shared universe to scheme around in. Green Arrow kind of needs it just to contrast with others in world.

    So, which characters do you want in the DCEU, and which doing their own thing in their own world?

  2. #2
    Ultimate Member Gaius's Avatar
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    Just focusing on making decent movies, larger universe or not. Wonder Woman and Aquaman were fine and for the most part you don't really have care if they exist in the same universe or not

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius View Post
    Just focusing on making decent movies, larger universe or not. Wonder Woman and Aquaman were fine and for the most part you don't really have care if they exist in the same universe or not
    Exactly. There have been some great standalone movies about Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, that didn't at all require that they exist in the same universe, and I'm completely fine with that. One thing DC has an advantage on, as mentioned elsewhere, is 'evergreen' stories that just consistently remain on top seller lists, and that seems tied to how these stories are *not* necessarily in-continuity or part of a coherent shared universe with a bunch of other titles. Someone sat down and wrote a rocking story about X, and it did not matter what Y and Z were doing.

    I'm quite comfortable with that mindset for movies as well. Tell me a good story about this character. I don't need a bunch of connective tissue to other stuff that might just get in the way of this character's story. Maybe the story can later be backfit into a shared universe. Maybe it can't and it's part of a 'multiverse.' Whatever. Just focus what's on your plate.

  4. #4
    Obsessed & Compelled Bored at 3:00AM's Avatar
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    I think you can do both. It's a Multiverse.

  5. #5
    A Wearied Madness Vakanai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaius View Post
    Just focusing on making decent movies, larger universe or not. Wonder Woman and Aquaman were fine and for the most part you don't really have care if they exist in the same universe or not
    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Exactly. There have been some great standalone movies about Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, that didn't at all require that they exist in the same universe, and I'm completely fine with that. One thing DC has an advantage on, as mentioned elsewhere, is 'evergreen' stories that just consistently remain on top seller lists, and that seems tied to how these stories are *not* necessarily in-continuity or part of a coherent shared universe with a bunch of other titles. Someone sat down and wrote a rocking story about X, and it did not matter what Y and Z were doing.

    I'm quite comfortable with that mindset for movies as well. Tell me a good story about this character. I don't need a bunch of connective tissue to other stuff that might just get in the way of this character's story. Maybe the story can later be backfit into a shared universe. Maybe it can't and it's part of a 'multiverse.' Whatever. Just focus what's on your plate.
    I know and generally agree with all that - but it's still kind of fun to guess which character or story should or shouldn't be connected, right?

  6. #6


    Just John Constantine.

    For everybody else its a 50/50 split. As long as you tell good stories it wouldn't matter. A shared universe just expands the options and provides a safety net, nothing more.

  7. #7
    Ultimate Member j9ac9k's Avatar
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    Do we know if the upcoming "New Gods" movie is connected to the "JL" New Gods? I think that's one property that works better on an earth that hasn't seen superheroes.

    I think Deadman can work as a one-shot drama involving a man investigating his own death and make it a complete story. Kinda like "Ghost" but with a trapeze guy instead of a dancer. (and less pottery)

    Suicide Squad should have been a one-shot where almost all of them die by the end like "Dirty Dozen," but y'know...

    I can see Shade, the Changing Man adapt the "American Scream" storyline as a superhero/horror standalone movie.

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