I wanted to post about something that has really been bugging me after I read the recent news that updates to Marvel Unlimited will changed from six months to three months. I really don't see anyone talking about this and to be honest it really upsets me. I have been a comic book reader since the 1980's and I love comic books. At this point in my life I am in a fortunate enough position where I regularly spend upwards of $200 per month on my pull list. I have been ignoring digital comics because I am just not interested in that format at all. I understood that one could purchase digitally for the same price as a physical copy and I honestly had no problem with that. What really upsets me is when a person can read entire runs of very recent comics for only $9.99 a month. A six month delay is one thing but moving that date up three months changes things in my mind and it's extremely unfair to the customers who regularly purchase physical copies of books.