So, this has mostly been playing out on Twitter, but it's relevant.

A fair few prominent voices of X-Twitter have taken umbrage at the hiring of one Brett Booth as the artist on issue 17 of X-Men. The source his argument with Janelle Asselin over her critique of a Teen Titans cover. This is especially relevant to us here because it was one component of the the very incident that lead to this forum being rebooted a handful years back.

In response, prominent comics reviewers such as Xavier Files and WWAC have decided not to cover or review the title while Booth is the artist.
Xavier Files supports the decision to not cover books Brett Booth draws.

It's deeply unfortunate that Marvel has chosen to pattern with someone with a history of harassment, misogyny, and hateful retoric towards the Jewish and Islamic communities. We hope they reconsider.

can't know a dude's heart but idk, all this FEMALES talk makes it really seem like he hasn't changed much since that harassment awfulness

I should have said this earlier, but please don't harass this dude because you saw this thread. If this becomes any kind of thing at all where this guy can play victim, that's going to lead to bad outcomes. Just block and ignore, and skip his x-men comic.
We at @wwacomics will also not be covering X-Men for this duration.
Now, of course, there are other who are fans of Brett's art and art glad to see him on the book. This includes other creatives, some of whom are currently employed at Marvel themselves.


Congratulations, Brett. You deserve it! I can't WAIT to get this issue!
Congrats on the new gig Brett!! so cool! glad to have you at Marvel!
Congrats Boo! Welcome back!

Given the multiple vectors of relevance to this community, it seems appropriate to open it up to discussion here. But bear in mind: regardless of your feelings on the subject, no harassment should be directed at Brett Booth, nor towards his defenders and detractors.

Does Brett Booth's behavior effect your desire to buy and/or read the main X-Men title?