I’ve been rewatching the old cartoons while bored in Covid land, and a few characters stuck out that I am curious why they never made it into the printed comics. We talk a lot about lack of diversity in lead roles, especially
Black male characters not catching on.

Two characters I’d love to see appear in some capacity in the comics:

Storm’s son, MjNari
Abilities: Super speed
In the cartoon, he was instrumental in defeating The Shadow King. Having a direct link to Storm automatically gives him story potential.


Abilities: Exterior bone growth and projection
This character from X-Men: Evolution was popular to kids in the early 2000s and with mainstream appeal, he could have made a smooth transition to printed media. Should they “Firestar” him and bring him into the fold?


What are some other characters from TV/ film spinoffs, or from the toy line you wish had taken off in the comics? Another huge missed opportunity is Bishop’s sister, Shard especially since she was intended to be a main team member in the later Animated series episodes.


Discuss your favorite unused or underused characters in the X-Men line.