We've only got a month before March Solicicts and we finally get some answers to what DC will look like post-Death Metal, Generations, and Future State, and in general what DC's direction will be going forward, so I figure why not have an all purpose thread for speculation, and collect the mix things confirmed, teased, rumors going about.

Here are DC's current ongoing books from December which will be coming back in March.

The Flash
Justice League
Justice League Dark
Wonder Woman
Action Comics
Detective Comics
Legion of Superheroes.
Red Hood

Grant Morrison's Green Lantern Season Two has it's #11 issue solicted for February. It's #12th and concluding issue will be in March. So we should see at least one, if not multiple Green Lantern Series launched in either March or April to replace it.

We know the Superman books will be getting a new writer or writers to replace Bendis.

Most of the Bat-books seem to be keeping their current teams. Ram V has indicated he's staying on JLD.

Aquman, Flash, Justice League, and Red Hood are going to be getting new writers.

Any other title is up in the air whether they're getting a new creative team or not.

Between the final issue of Teen Titans, the Endless Winter Special, and the Future State Tie-ins, it seems Titans is looking at a relaunch featuring Dick's Team (also including Donna, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy) as mentors to Wallace, Crush, Emiko and Roundhouse.

Bendis has stated he had to "clear the decks" with the Superman books and he'd been offered "something big". He's also indicated his Leviathan sequel will still be happening, but the behind the scenes shake ups at DC have resulted to there being some changes to it.

Joelle Jones has indicated she has plans for Yara Flores post future state. Deadline initially claimed that Yara would be getting her own series with her as the new Wonder Girl, but it's since been redacted.

Jorge Jimenez teased something related to Super-Sons with a younger Jon.

Bleeding Cool has been claiming in somewhat alarmist manner that DC is is possibly getting rid of having a shared universe continuity, which I highly doubt.

There are always the usual rumors about AT&T or WB wanting a higher focus on media synergy. In this case it has a lot of Batwoman fans concerned over Kate's future with Ryan Wilder getting an introductory cameo in the last issue of Batgirl.

And a few day ago bunch of supposed leaks were posted on 4chan. Take with a heavy grain of salt but something to discuss is better than nothing

>Mark Russell on Young Justice ongoing, smaller cast centered around the core four
>Titans book by Humphries
>2 Flashes book one with Barry and the other with Wally, the Wally book will start with a Year One arc after a couple of issues like Rucka did with WW
>Waid in charge of Supes and Action comic
>Priest in charge of Aquaman
>Saladin Ahmed in charge of Green Arrow
>The new Red Hood book covers will be made by Phil Noto
>JSA ongoing by Geoff
>Alan Scott 6 issues mini by Orlando
>Superman Black Label book by King

Now about the characters:
>All the people who died in HiC is brought back to life
>Roy's daughter Lian is back (she was resurrected in the events of Convergence)
>Diana was part of the original JSA
>Jon is gonna be de-aged and all his memories of the 7 years+his time in the Legion will disappear but he will still have a ring
>Kyle will become relevant again, the first event will be about him
>Kon and Tim will start dating by late 2021 they will both come out as Bi, Tynion and Russell are in charge of the whole storyline
>The whole DC editorial is surprised that WB and AT&T gave the good to go by the way, Geoff was the one who pushed for it. Bendis is kinda mad because he wanted to make Naomi and Kon a couple back in 2019 with the whole Wonder Comics and nobody wanted it
>Damian will become Robin again, Tim is gonna go back to be Red Robin
>Marcus To is in charge of Tim new design he has the same hair than his Red Robin run, Jason will also have the white stripe again. This is because they don't want people to play who is who anymore when the Robins share a panel
end of spoilers