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  1. #1
    Mighty Member Stigmazilla's Avatar
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    Default How good is your favourite characters with Prep?

    Your favourite character is given 5 years, to prepare for the fight of their life. They can train, get equipment, round up allies, and even pick and set up a home base in which to fight from. Characters are allowed any friend, or ally who the know, or could conceivably hire, or enlist. A king for example could draft all his civilians, hire mercenaries, and get aid from allied kingdoms, and could arm them and fortify his castle. A civilian in the DC universe couldn't enlist the justice league, or the police.

  2. #2
    E-Liter3K Scoped Headshot The MunchKING's Avatar
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    Lahral is already a multi-dimensional conquering force on his own and has a mighty army that are just a bit less powerful than him. He could probably take on anything that isn't in a more ridiculous game engine.
    The MunchKING is Back! And he is AWSOME!

  3. #3
    Extraordinary Member
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    My favorite has a 20+ issue storyarc that's all about her prepping for an invasion of all-powerful demon-gods that will destroy the world. She manipulates everyone, hides her true intentions from highly trained and skilled telepaths, and when the moment comes pulls off her stratagem flawlessly, erasing the demon gods from existence, saving the world, regaining her soul, and even avoiding any casualties among her allies which was not part of her original plan.

    Give Magik prep time and she has the limitless armies of Limbo, her allies among the X-Men and Dr. Strange, as well as the opportunity to come up with that kind of plan.

  4. #4


    He has a lot of connections, access to a fortune, with resources and specialists across the globe.

    The problem is he hates hard work and working hard.

  5. #5
    Legendary God of Pirates Nik Hasta's Avatar
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    I don't think I really have a unilateral favourite character these days.

    Of the characters I like a lot, in no particular order...

    - Maes Hughes (Full Metal Alchemist) - Military connections, kind of ruthless, I mean most of FMA was what he could do with prep before launching a calculated strike against his opponent but he ended up dead before the revolution even happened so... he does okay?
    - Everest Ning (Octopus Pie) - Could probably do a decent job at trying to organise something before... self destructing, getting drunk/high and probably injuring herself.
    - Phosphophyllite (Houseki no Kuni) - Doesn't really know how to plan properly. Very reactive. Has the resources of the Lunarians behind them but they are also highly mentally unstable and very much driven and governed entirely by their emotions. Unlikely to do well over a five year prep period.
    - Sheila/Dr Mrs The Monarch (Venture Bros) - Actually highly competent and highly placed in the hierarchy of organised supervillains in her setting. Very dangerous with prep and, often, quite successful in what she does. Probably does the best of the bunch so far.
    - Yatora Yaguchi (Blue Period) - Terrible. Probably panics, doesn't know the first thing about fighting, still trying to figure out art.
    Last edited by Nik Hasta; 12-14-2020 at 03:47 AM.

  6. #6
    The Weeping Mod Sharpandpointies's Avatar
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    Just to take two comic characters, my favorites, who are at opposite ends of the spectrum for Prep.

    Cassandra Cain Batgirl w. Five Years Prep: Cass' idea of prep is 'study opponent, train, train harder, maybe get gear?' I guess, if necessary, she can go to Bruce and bug him to help, and then we're talking about 'Bruce prep'. But that's all. Otherwise she shows up maybe in her Cass-umi gear with a lot of knowledge of her enemy. Her prep isn't exactly stellar.

    Classic Strange w. Five Years Prep: *cannot stop laughing*
    Why are we here?

    "Superboy Prime (the yelling guy if he needs clarification)..." - Postmania
    "...dropping an orca whale made of fire on your enemies is a pretty strong opening move." - Nik
    "Why throw punches when you can be making everyone around you sterile mutant corpses?" - Pendaran, regarding Dr. Fate

  7. #7
    Rumbles Moderator Guy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grampagen View Post

    He has a lot of connections, access to a fortune, with resources and specialists across the globe.

    The problem is he hates hard work and working hard.
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  8. #8
    Ultimate Member Jackalope89's Avatar
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    Future Trunks with 5 years of prep...

    Depending on which way we go, that could get into Xeno Trunks, whom is MUCH stronger than even his Dragon Ball Super counterpart. Plus with 5 years to train, a time machine, and access to the Room of Spirit and Time (along with Vegeta and who knows who all else), Trunks would get quite the upgrade. Depending on who he would get to train with him besides Vegeta and Supreme Kai, Trunks could even train with the likes of Whis.

  9. #9
    Extraordinary Member The Drunkard Kid's Avatar
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    Ranma Saotome is probably my favorite character at the moment, but its hard to tell how well he'd do with prep because while he has the combat talent of a genius and a strong tendency towards sneaky bastardry, he's also prone to being very brash and overextending his hand and forced to rely on his very good improvisation abilities as well. Also, while he can definitely round up a decently sized posse, at least half of them will probably try and murder him and/or one another within the first hour.

    That said, I have no idea what the fight of Ranma's life would actually be like, since that could entail fighting super human martial artists, immensely powerful mythological monsters, insane conmen, his own fear of intimacy, or his own father (who could probably address most of those things at once, excepting probably the mythological monster bit).

  10. #10
    Extraordinary Member The Drunkard Kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackalope89 View Post

    Future Trunks with 5 years of prep...

    Depending on which way we go, that could get into Xeno Trunks, whom is MUCH stronger than even his Dragon Ball Super counterpart. Plus with 5 years to train, a time machine, and access to the Room of Spirit and Time (along with Vegeta and who knows who all else), Trunks would get quite the upgrade. Depending on who he would get to train with him besides Vegeta and Supreme Kai, Trunks could even train with the likes of Whis.
    Hell, we know that Vegeta, Bulma, and Goku are willing to drop everything to help him if he ever asks, and Goku and Bulma can call on pretty much the entire rest of their circle (plus also Beerus and Whis, depending on the circumstances).

  11. #11
    Mighty Member Stigmazilla's Avatar
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    Some of my favourites:

    Godzilla (Legendary): rounds up all the other titans, (except maybe Kong), absorbs all the radiation he can, he could probably get back to burning Godzilla. He should probably start the fight near a beach, Godzilla has a strong advantage in the water, but most of the other allied monsters aren't well suited for the ocean.

    RDJ Sherlock Holmes: obviously he can get Watson, Inspector Lestrad, and a decent squad of police. He also had some connections with various underground people, as well as a few Roma. Mycroft despite being involved with the government didn't appear to have any soldiers at his disposal. Sherlock could probably equip some of his men with Moriarty's weapons as well. He'd be best off fighting in London, having a home field advantage.

    Walter White: at his peak, he could have organised a good number of men on his side, especially if he had Mike on his side to lead them. He could also build a fairly defensive facility, probably out in the desert. He could also provide plenty of chemical and explosive weapons. In five years with prep I think he could build a nuke, as well.

    Ironman (MCU): Stark going all out for five years he could build a ton of armour, he'd have EDITH, as well as the Avengers, and some back up from SHEILD, and the military.

  12. #12
    Slime Time The Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grampagen View Post

    He has a lot of connections, access to a fortune, with resources and specialists across the globe.

    The problem is he hates hard work and working hard.
    He works better with a "making it up as he goes along and being the favorite of luck itself" style of doing things. Hey, he's the only JoJo (so far) that lived to an old age.

    "But what about Giorno and Josuke Higashikata?" I hear you ask. Well, they both obviously died shortly after their own part, its why Jotaro didn't call either of them to help deal with Enrico Pucci and his nonsense. Araki just never bothered telling us they were both dead.

    "But Jotaro didn't call Joseph for that either!" I hear you cry. Well that's obvious. Joseph was still faking his senility so his family wouldn't ask him too many uncomfortable questions, like "how many other women younger than his daughter has he had sex with?" The answer is "a lot".
    Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence.
    - C.S. Lewis

  13. #13
    Archmanifestation of YOLO Noldere's Avatar
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    Delta of There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns. with 5 years prep?

    I don't think there's a single enemy entity or group in all of fiction that wants that smoke.
    This signature intentionally left blank.

  14. #14
    Impulsive Nschornhorst's Avatar
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    Okay, I'll go with top five:

    1. Team Rocket's Meowth-- He is friendly with his universe's Mewtwo who made powered-up clones and such, so he could have those, Mewtwo itself, Jessie, James, their remaining pokemon, maybe the twerps and Pikachu as well as their pokemon OR Giovanni and/or other Team Rocket members. With five years prep, his allies could come up with dangerous tech, but no one there is a great strategist, really, and Meowth and his pals don't tend to have the best luck. I think he does way better than most would anticipate, but still ends up falling short in many scenarios.

    2. Simon Petrikov/The Ice King-- If Simon, he could use his brains to come up with some sort of plan alongside his numerous allies in Ooo. Finn, Jake, Bubblegum, Marceline, B-MO, and all the other protagonists of Ooo would likely come to his aid. Perhaps even Mars would help. Magic combined with tech could be quite effective and there's enough brainpower between all of them that they could do rather well. Ice Thing would likely help too, as they were hanging out in a scene in the finale.

    3. Willow Rosenberg-- Hm... I guess it would depend on when she's chosen from. If the tv version, she could absorb more magic books and of course, team with the Scoobies and Angel's crew along with the Slayerettes and any friendly demons hanging around. She could probably recruit former Sunnydale high and college students she knows too, as well as Oz. I'm generally not going by comics, as I didn't read the more recent issues. I do know she did have a relationship with one of the higher entities, though. I know she brought magic back to the world, but don't know the level of magic in that universe in the end. Willow's great at planning and she and her team could likely do some more tech/magic and other macguffins, but she would likely be the heaviest hitter and her allies aren't that many, so I think she'd do 'well' but it'd be iffy depending on her power and decisions.

    4. Pinkie Pie-- It'd be a party. She could turn the party into some sort of attack or defense, sure, but I think that any non-party stuff would be random and spur of the moment. She would likely invite everyone she knows which is tons of ponies and other creatures. So, if she's 'in charge,' they're probably too disorganized to be effective, but if someone else is allowed to take charge once things begin, they do better. Discord would be involved and he could take out most beings instantly if he decides to do so, so at least there's that. In that case, this group would probably do very well.

    5. Squirrel Girl-- This team would do the best, most likely. SG is great at coming up with plans and has nearly all the MU as allies, including many villains. Even if they aren't yet her allies, she's very good with people and helping them, so she could probably gain allies that way. At the very least, there's Strange, Reed Richards, Galactus, Iron Man, Thor, Loki, and every squirrel on Earth. I think out of all five of these favorites of mine, her team does the very best.

  15. #15
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    David Xanatos. He will manage a stupidly high level of allies made of friends and enemies after using groundwork and info gathering and probably uses time travel to cheat to give himself more time.

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