Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
I guess I'll be the odd man out (like usual) and say that I really, really, really dig Clark's powers dimming and him, as PKJ put it, "really feeling his age".

There's a lot to chew on there especially because Clark is now going to be operating on the biggest scale he has yet. And more than that, out in the greater universe, again, as PKJ put it, Clark is known as "the toughest guy in the universe". He now has to take on this new, larger task while trying to live up to expectations he can no longer meet in the same way because he's now starting to feel the "twilight" of his super life. That's really interesting to me because that sets up for so many new situations.

On the Jon side, I really like incredibly relatable idea of a son seeing his dad as human for the first time rather than the superhero they seem when you're small and always looking up. Accepting his upcoming role as Superman means accepting his dad's limitations and mortality. That's a tough one for anyone, but infinitely more so when you pop is Superman. I mean, just look at how fans can go pages of arguments defending the idea that Superman should never grow old. But with Jon there's the added idea of "I just kind of figured he'd do it forever, and I'd help out when I could. I never actually thought I'd have to be The Guy".
If PKJ uses Clark losing his powers to show how capable he is as a hero and not just his powers than I'm all for it, but if the take is that with his powers diminishing he'll have to retire than it's a no for me.
Probably this will be what explains why Superman end up enslaved on Warworld and just didn't kicked Mongul's ass.