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  1. #406


    Well I do think they took liberties with the character, by humanizing him too much (and the Rancor to), but outside that....

    I'm enjoying the show, quality stuff.

  2. #407
    Ultimate Member Gray Lensman's Avatar
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    The truth is that Disney didn't ruin Boba Fett - Lucas beat them to it by a few decades.

    After that scene, everything else is a reclamation project.
    Dark does not mean deep.

  3. #408
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    That's one of the things I find so intriguing about Boba and his popularity.

    In the films, the guy did almost nothing. He looks cool, but his only real claim to fame is tracking the Falcon to Cloud City. That's it. Vader does everything else; captures Han and tortures everyone to lure Luke to him. Then Boba dies in one of the most ridiculous, insulting ways possible. Yet Boba is one of the most popular characters in the franchise.

    I always thought the mystery of Boba was a major reason for his popularity, and feared the show would damage him simply by showing too much. And while Boba was far from the badass I hoped for, I do think that learning more about him didn't help any.

    Personally, I thought the show was acceptable, and that's it. If there's a season 2, they better amp up the badass elements and give us a crime boss worth paying attention to.
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

    ~ Black Panther.

  4. #409
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    I think it was less about learning too much about him and more about making him too much of a good person. He should've remained somewhat villainous and the Tuskens shouldn't have been made to be suddenly morally good and wrongly judged either.

  5. #410
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I don't think the marketing helped. It felt like they were advertising a bit of a different show/vibe than what it ended up being.

  6. #411
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ascended View Post
    That's one of the things I find so intriguing about Boba and his popularity.

    In the films, the guy did almost nothing. He looks cool, but his only real claim to fame is tracking the Falcon to Cloud City. That's it. Vader does everything else; captures Han and tortures everyone to lure Luke to him. Then Boba dies in one of the most ridiculous, insulting ways possible. Yet Boba is one of the most popular characters in the franchise.

    I always thought the mystery of Boba was a major reason for his popularity, and feared the show would damage him simply by showing too much. And while Boba was far from the badass I hoped for, I do think that learning more about him didn't help any.

    Personally, I thought the show was acceptable, and that's it. If there's a season 2, they better amp up the badass elements and give us a crime boss worth paying attention to.

    He was hyped a bit before ESB as well (appearing in some early merchandise, convention, parades and also in the Holiday Special of course) in some ways similar to Darth Maul in TPM's marketing despite him not quite doing as much in the final film except for a few scenes with Sidious and the fights. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  7. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicalComics View Post
    I think it was less about learning too much about him and more about making him too much of a good person. He should've remained somewhat villainous and the Tuskens shouldn't have been made to be suddenly morally good and wrongly judged either.
    I can't comment about Fett, but given that Tuskens were meant to be SW's takes on indigenous/first nations peoples in both the Lucas helmed Clone Wars (specifically in the unproduced Fett episodes with Cad Bane) and the Tatooine episode in Mandalorian, Disney making them anything else was never going to work given the enormous cultural baggage associated with colonization and displacement of these analogous peoples in the Anglosphere (specifically USA/Canada, but also Australia with aborigines).
    Last edited by Bruce Wayne; 05-24-2022 at 05:43 PM.

  8. #413
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Thought I'd bump this as there are rumors about a possible season 2.

    If there is I hope it tries to be more of it's own thing rather than just kind of Mandalorian 2.5. Also some of the problems due to COVID (Morrison's age being a factor perhaps?) might not be as much an issue this time. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  9. #414
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be against a season 2 as long as they address and correct the mistakes from season 1.

    Are Filloni and Fav good at reading the room and making adjustments? I feel like there was good stuff in Fett, but most of it was buried under the bad and a Fett who didn't live up to his badass reputation. If they can course correct then I'd happily give season 2 a chance to redeem season 1, but if we'd just get more of the same I don't think it'd be worth it.
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

    ~ Black Panther.

  10. #415
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    How much of Boba's reputation, when you think about it, is really from the original films? Sure, he talks tough but apart from that all he really does in ESB is figure out Han's trick and fire at Luke once...and in ROTJ he gets easily defeated by a blind Han after showing off some more of his gadgets.

    Think part of it might be due to the sort of fan culture around SW where a lot of background characters were often give an important backstory, especially in the 90s, which lead of course to Boba's backstory being kind of adjacent to one of the main plot points from the prequels (The Clone army). I think the EU might have a bit to do with that, even though if you look at the comic that revived him (Dark Empire and it's sequel) Boba is still kind of portrayed as a bit of a clutz somewhat.

    Even the Legacy of the Force novels also eventually settled for a kindler, gentler Fett by making him leader of Mandalore (Which seems to be what might happen to Din in the Disney canon) and helping train Jaina Solo. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  11. #416
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
    How much of Boba's reputation, when you think about it, is really from the original films? Sure, he talks tough but apart from that all he really does in ESB is figure out Han's trick and fire at Luke once...and in ROTJ he gets easily defeated by a blind Han after showing off some more of his gadgets.

    Think part of it might be due to the sort of fan culture around SW where a lot of background characters were often give an important backstory, especially in the 90s, which lead of course to Boba's backstory being kind of adjacent to one of the main plot points from the prequels (The Clone army). I think the EU might have a bit to do with that, even though if you look at the comic that revived him (Dark Empire and it's sequel) Boba is still kind of portrayed as a bit of a clutz somewhat.

    Even the Legacy of the Force novels also eventually settled for a kindler, gentler Fett by making him leader of Mandalore (Which seems to be what might happen to Din in the Disney canon) and helping train Jaina Solo.
    I think it was mostly the Dark Horse comics and even some of the recent Star Wars comics (and games) that projected a specific image of Boba in peoples' minds.

    I'd say even his appearance in the Mandalorian projected a different kind of Boba than what we got in the show, which is part of why people were disappointed.

  12. #417
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    I think the issue they had was that they kind of wanted Boba to be more just a feudal lord, and use that as a vehicle for making him more benevolent in the grand scheme of things, but had started out thinking of making him a crime lord before realizing they would struggle to carry that out.

    If I could “repackage” it in Season 2, I might consider adding or clarifying some things like this:

    - Boba makes it blatantly clear, in some relatively cold, blunt speech that he was really just sick of not having a home, not having any fortune, etc., when he’d both bled and suffered for Jabba’s and then lost the simple one he’d had with the Tuskens, and thus make it a bit of a mix of bitterness, weariness, and pride that he took Jabba’s stuff… but that he really only cared about having the palace and the security of the city under his control, and not the crime empire.

    - Fennec is similar, with the slight caveat that she’s much less weary, and enjoys being an enforcer, hunter and assassin who can still get out and about, but has a base to return to and a permanent employer she can trust.

    -… And maybe, maybe, Boba had a brief turn on the past as a spice addict, that he’d only just recovered from by ESB, that both explains some of his unimpressive performance on the OT, and why he dislikes spice now without him going full morality about it.
    Last edited by godisawesome; 02-25-2023 at 02:22 PM.
    Like action, adventure, rogues, and outlaws? Like anti-heroes, femme fatales, mysteries and thrillers?

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  13. #418
    Extraordinary Member Jokerz79's Avatar
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    I was born in 1979 hence the 79 in my name.

    I taped Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi off HBO and me and my friends must have watched them a hundred times along with Monster Squad, the Transformers Movie, Critters 1 and 2 & Ghoulies 2 we were weird kids. But Star Wars toys had been replaced by Transformers, Voltron, G.I. Joe, Thundercats, TMNT, He-Man and Micromachines by the time we started playing with action figures heck I remember having Go-Bots, Silverhawks, Centurions, Dino-Riders, and COPS toys before any SW toys. So, when I got back into SW in the 90's with the comics and books, I will admit I was shocked at how popular Boba Fett was given I never found him that interesting from ESB and ROTJ.

  14. #419
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Star Wars certainly helped lead to a major toy boom in the 80s. That and laws changing about product placement in cartoons. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  15. #420
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
    I'd say even his appearance in the Mandalorian projected a different kind of Boba than what we got in the show, which is part of why people were disappointed.
    This was me.

    I never found Boba as cool as the fandom seemed to. I read his appearances in the early novels and he was fun, but not worthy of the hype a lot of fans gave him. When he showed up in Mando and they treated him like this brutal space barbarian I was like "oh, this is great! This is the kind of badass who deserves the reputation he has! Look at him shatter that stormtrooper armor, those dudes are DEAD!" His show was real disappointing in comparison.

    It'd have been one thing if the Mando stuff hadn't happened. I could easily accept the show's Boba, who was weaker, older, still recovering and healing. Everyone loves a come back story and making Boba struggle to recover from the sarlacc helped balance the ridiculousness of him surviving in the first place. But Mando showed us a Boba who could fight entire squads of soldiers on his own and take down two big space ships with a single missile. The discrepancy between that space barbarian and the struggling old man in his own show really annoyed me.

    Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post
    I think the issue they had was that they kind of wanted Boba to be more just a feudal lord, and use that as a vehicle for making him more benevolent in the grand scheme of things, but had started out thinking of making him a crime lord before realizing they would struggle to carry that out.
    I get the same feeling. Boba as a feudal lord fits what the show tried to do. He wants peace and prosperity for his people, to protect them instead of exploit them, and he wants his cut. But the title the show gave him was "crime boss" and we did not get that.

    I agree that Boba seemed to want the security and comfort that Jabba's position offered, but didn't want to be a kingpin. I'm not against that idea at all. And watching Boba try to turn a criminal mob into a warlord's empire could have been a really good hook for the show. But that's not the story we got.

    If I were to course-correct with a season 2, I'd just tell that story. Now that Boba's consolidated his powerbase and chased off the challengers, he goes about turning Jabba's crime ring into a kingdom. I'd make him space Conan.
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

    ~ Black Panther.

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