Quote Originally Posted by kcekada View Post
5YL contributed to the ultimate decrease in leadership. It would have been a good limited series as a possible peak into the future before launching a new series that continue from where Levitz left it. It's a good read, but it was Giffen taking a superhero book and remaking it into a sci-fi book --- but more Blade Runner than Star Trek. As good as it could be at times, I consider it a failure on Giffen's part.

I still have a pull list at the local shop -- and I have been collecting this Legion series -- despite some reservations. Because of that, the two Future State issues were in my box. Not sure I'll even bother reading -- because the artwork is garbage. I'm sure some people will like it, but I found it hideous!
I like that idea, 5YL being a Days of Future Past would have worked even better.