Quote Originally Posted by rayray1127 View Post
As I was awed and inspired by this AWESOME WW film, and once again blown away by Gal and Patty, I figured I'd start a ❤LOVE❤ thread to be a counter to all the complaints and hyperbole flooding aome of the other threads. Please only reply with things you found to LIKE/LOVE about WW84. There are plenty of other threads for you if you didn't like the movie.

For me, I loved every moment, and they had me at Amazons. I will go in further at a later time, but some specifics I found awesome were;

Diana pushing an armored truck SIDEWAYS with enough speed and force to crash into another armered truck that was speeding away.

Diana being concerned for the lives and safety of EVERYONE around her. I point to the mall and to the White House, and to the Cairo toad scene. That is PURE WONDER WOMAN.

And OF COURSE, seeing Diana joyously soar through the clouds!

How about you guys? I've definitely seen some positive reactions, and that's what this thread is all about!
Thank you for this thread. It is much needed and appreciated!

I loved so much about this film that I've already seen it three times. In no particular order:

1. Steve and Diana: their chemistry was just as magical as the first movie. Something I loved about the two is that they seemed like true partners and not just in a superhero sense. I love "filler" scenes that most people hate because filler scenes usually do so much to help us understand character dynamics and relationships. My favorite filler scene is when Diana and Steve are doing the clothing montage and Steve says can we keep the shoes. Diana smiles saying we can keep the shoes, and Steve responds YES! We can keep the shoes. There was so much warmth, compassion, love, friendship, and genuine affection in those scenes. They indicated that the two truly trust each other, listen to each other, and can respectfully disagree while still trying to come to a mutual resolution. It showed just how different they are "I would never wear this" but how they're always able to meet in the middle.

2. Diana: I loved Diana Prince in this film. Narratives about good people struggling to remain good in an unjust world are always compelling to me. Seeing Diana struggling with not giving up Steve was an aspect that truly resonated with me. First, when Diana realizes that stopping Maxwell Lord will cause her to lose Steve when she, Steve, and Barbara was talking to that one man. Gal gave a look that was equal parts apprehension, fear, and defiance. I also loved the parts where Diana told Steve she did so much for other people and all she wanted was this one thing of having him in her life. I loved that Diana knew what the right thing to do was, but she still struggled with the consequences of doing it. Then after being shot, beaten, bruised, and almost lifeless on the floor with Barbara speechifying to her, Diana still wanted to keep Steve but realized that ultimately, her selfishness would destroy her and the world. I found it to be completely relatable and the way to write a paradigm of good as less than perfect. Diana still wants happiness but as her mother and aunt taught her a long, long time ago: only accepting the truth can result in true happiness.

3. The Lasso: I know some people think it's cartoonish, but I loved the many uses of the Lasso. The way she fought with it, used it for traversal, lassoed lightening, used it to show people the truth, as a shield, to catch a bullet. I thought Jenkins used the Lasso in more creative ways than the comics or animation or video games have ever used it. The way the Lasso was used showed it and the bracelets are amazing weapons and shown why they have lasted for 80 years in Wonder Woman comics. I hope it inspires more creators to use the Lasso in as many imaginative ways, and I hope Jenkins continues to wow us in the next film.

I don't want this to be too long, so I'll stop here. However, I'll return with more of what I loved about WW84