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  1. #241
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Themyscira, Wundagore Mountain, Talok VIII


    Quote Originally Posted by rayray1127 View Post
    Spot on. Personally, I feel offended that even though those of us that actually HAVE experienced assault have stated that this aspect/sxenario, while hokey to some, was not, and I repeat, NOT comparable to real world assault in ANY of it's forms.

    This actually reminds me of another unfavorable review that stated showing young Max Lord and his mom being the victims of abuse at the hands of their father/husband was "deeply offensive" and that abuse should never be depicted in a movie that kids will see. It's the same arguement, but sillier, as it all hinges on a scenario that cannot happen.

    To those of you continuing to call this rape, please read this and take it to heart. While those of us that have been victimized appreciate people willing to go to battle for us, this is not a fight any of you need to be taking up. PEOPLE CANNOT "BODY SWAP". The souls of the dead DO NOT take over the bodies of hapless mortals and have sex with people. IF that were a real world scenario, THEN it would be "problematic". As is, it seems to be a thread those that didn't like the movie have deemed "out of place" and so they feel the need to pick at it. But please, please, STOP calling this rape or assault. THAT is what is truely offensive.

    Obviously I don't speak for all people that are survivors, but I know I'm not alone in finding this conversation triggering, and not for the reasons the "advocates" are calling rape, but for the sheer amount of insensetivety in taking a totally fictional, FANTASY scenario, and giving it the attention that ACTUAL assault/rape/abuse deserves.
    I absolutely concur.

  2. #242
    Extraordinary Member
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    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by LordUltimus View Post
    So it would be okay for two people to have rape with a dead or comatose body?
    Ah, now here you raise a good point.

    You can rape a coma patient, but not somebody who is legally dead.

    In order for STeve to BE Steve in that body the brain would have rewired at the synaptic level. Legally Handsome guy doesn’t exist.

    What was really needed here was a scene of Steve’s lawyer bringing in a whole bunch of letters written by little children addressed to Steve Trevor and delivered officially by the United States Post Office.
    Last edited by brettc1; 01-05-2021 at 12:59 PM.
    If ten years of recording The Young and the Restless for my mother have taught me anything, it's that characters in serial dramas are always happily in love...until they're not

    “The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.” - the 4th Doctor

  3. #243
    Wonder Moderator Gaelforce's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Okey dokey, I think all that needs saying has been said, so I'm locking this down before it gets any nastier than it has been.
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