Quote Originally Posted by GenericUsername View Post
Why are you in her appreciation thread trying to line up that she's some anti-hero by exaggerating stuff? You know damn well that her beginning parts of the MCU were meant to reflect her time with the Brotherhood when she was thinking she was doing what was best. Because the leader of her team painted a certain picture. And that the other stuff was a mistake. There is no malice in MCU Wanda. So go away with that bs.

Also how did Tony pay for anything? He didn't pay for Ultron, nor did he pay for hitting on Aunt May. Pepper never even knew.
I love her character.But I'm not in denial about what she has done.

Ah yes.Setting a killing machine on a city full of innocent civilians and keeping people enslaved for her own desires are mistakes.Your mindset can defend mass murderers.

I already said that Ultron was built because of Wanda for than if not equal to Wanda.

And still you insist on comparing War crimes to light flirting.