Quote Originally Posted by Writerblog View Post
Character development is not letting the past go, is building forward it. Wanda got tons of charcter development, just bause it wasn't with x-men books it doesn't mean it never happened.

The solo is great and have been selling great because of wandavision.

People didn't accept Doom did it because they are all misogynists. Magneto put a unch of people in cages and everone accepted it wasn't him
1 I never said she never got character development anywhere else nor did I say or allude to the fact whatever character development she has is invalid if it wasn't in an X-Book that's all you.

2 happy you liked the Solo I was bored & I hated the art & I thought Natalya was lame. And of course it's selling well what else does Wanda have outside of HOM, & Childrens Crusade a modern fan would like.

3 IDK what you're talking about with old man Mags in cages, or what misogyny has to do with anything, people don't accept the fact Doom did it because again it never was talked about again what does misogyny have to with that? If they wanna say Doom did it ok cool show me or at least tell us how otherwise of course people aren't gonna let Wanda off the hook.