Quote Originally Posted by Lucyinthesky View Post
I think Lorna´s problem in part is because she´s seen as a silver age lady damssel in distress or as the princess heir of Magneto who writers don´t quite know how to write interacting with him, I really would like if we could avoid the old tropes of them not getting along or him being dissapointed she´s not "strong enough" or her hating him as Wanda and Pietro do because Lorna is a hero and he a villain/grey character at best or as this child who has yet to earn her place at the side of her father as has a lot of insecurities. I disagree with those takes because they ignore one of the most interesting era on their relationship before they were related, their time in Genosha. This time not only served to develop her powers but also their mutual understanding, Lorna got to know him not only as magneto, the mutant leader/enemy of the X-men but as a person and was ok in telling him when she didn´t agree with him and when to tell other people to give it a chance to what he was saying because it made sense.

My favourite take on her os usually done by writers who know her character as a witty person, who cares about the people close to her, who has a temper but also can be fun showing it and also someone with her own losses and pain who still would like to live her life with a cause, happiness and great energy. When she´s written like this it allows her to be her own person and hold her own without the need to make her confrontational with other people and when she´s like this with her father it helps to contrast in a nice way with his usual serious personality, allowing him to remember he can be witty too and joke around with his children.

I had plenty of issues with Bunn's use of her on Blue, but to his credit he did greatly improve on his treatment of Lorna around Magneto toward the end (where the above page comes from). It's a shame there wasn't improvement in other ways. But the improvement there deserves some kudos. Lorna and Magneto's relationship as family is relatively new. It's still possible to make rare missteps and course correct, compared to other cases where there's so much past bad blood that the slightest misstep right now can be damning.