Quote Originally Posted by jwatson View Post
I'm such a happy x-fan. I never thought i would be eating this good overall but i hoped. Like i'm working on a project now but there is just something about the xmen that i can't explain. I enjoy when it does well. Like i wouldn't say it's personal in that if it doesn't it's not sweat off my balls but when it is and doing actual stories i feel matter i just. I want to support it. It's really weird. But then in 5th grade when i first started dabbling in drawing my teacher had us go find a comic and i chose the issue with storm stealing the jewel from candra and we had to redraw it in our own style and he loved x-men and i just i don't know. and yes i've have herbs and wine. lol
im.glad you're happy. I like the potential as it truly does look promising but I'm cautiously optimistic. I was happy going in to XoS but was let down tremendously. so I will wait to see what the X-offices deliver. I hope it's good..