Quote Originally Posted by Grinning Soul View Post
I don't believe it needs to be retconned. I wouldn't like if it was, actually.

There is a scene in which Scott tells Jean he understands why she feels the way she feels for Logan. It's beautiful. We can see it's not easy for him, but he knows it's not her fault. He accepts that part of her better than she does herself, because he understands that she is not perfect (one of the many reasons why they're such a good couple). I mean, they shared a psychic rapport. He knew how much she truly loved him.

I think the psychic affair is a worse case to make fans less upset about. You see, there are two double standards there: society downplays abuse when the victim is male and they exalt betrayal when the perpetrator is a married man (which makes the whole thing appear more vulgar and sordid than it was)... It has it's own echo chamber too that is even harder break apart.

But, you know, it's not impossible. It just takes someone willing to approach the matter with sensibility and without playing favourites.

After Schism, I hoped we may be going in this direction. Not because of the fight itself, but what triggered it: the way he left the decision on the shoulders of a young mutant who he knew was troubled ("You do what you feel you have to.")

Sure, he takes the responsibility for her actions later. But I thought it was really problematic and out of character, even. But in a way that served the bigger narrative and the ongoing process of the mounting pressure of being the leader, you know? I thought it showed that he was really going too far.

But no... the writers just excused him. Not even the fact that half of the mutants were leaving (again, not judging the fight or the justification itself) knocked some sense on him. He never questioned if their leaving meant he was failing them. He just kept on focusing on keeping everyone safe.

Then, out of the blue, the writers go full-blame-it-on him with AvX. But he doesn't seem to regret that either. And then the O5 are brought to make him wake up... But all we get a silly revolution that meant nothing.

Such a waste of those many years of story... If done well, it could have been so cool and memorable. And such a reward for the readers, for all those years building up to it, so he could emerge a better hero and leader in the end.

Yes, fishing! Totally! I'd bet Chris and Philip took the boys to fish! Maybe Deborah and Katherine even joined too. It would be even more special to him because those were memories of his childhood with his family.

Anyway, I'm sure there are more things I forgot. But I imagine he likes to do stuff along those lines.
Your post reminded me of "Hobo Piss" Remender claiming Scott doesn't believe in free will, when I think someone who has actually bothered to read about the character would come to the opposite conclusion. Scott's issues with free will stem from the presumption of agency where it doesn't apply (likely a result of how Xavier recruited him), the guy believes in it too much rather than not at all. The illusion of choice he was offered as a teenager is still seen as an actual choice in his own mind, so he is unable to recognize that when he makes a similar offer that it isn't really a choice at all. He is ( or at least, WAS, during Schism/AvX) unable to see through the illusion himself at times.