Quote Originally Posted by Zaresh View Post
My words were regarding Restingvoice's mostly. My apologies, I should've quoted.

Hmmm, I don't think the stuff with Artemis was really big, or the thing with the meta kids, or the last part with the all-caste stuff. They were isolated incidents that didn't affect more that a part of some country at worst. And contained to Jason's and Artemis stories. They weren't street level, but they weren't epic either. Just average superheroic stories you see in stuff like Blue Beetle or Shazam, for example. The part with Kori in the space did fall more into the epic cathegory (by being more apace opera-like). Or the part with Jason fighting Ra's in the original New 52 story.
My bad really, I should have taken a better look at the thread myself

And yeah, while there were other arcs in between (and you didn't see, say, Essence or an Untitled for a long time), it was still the most prevalent running thread throughout the run (correct me if I'm wrong, my memory is really bad) to the point of ending 9 years of storylines with hell, Trigon, past versions of the Outlaws and all of that. I guess that's what I mean, I could do with a lesser degree of crazy comic shenanigans so that when they happen, they hit better instead of it being yet another occurrence.

But yeah, I did like Artemis' story, not only because I found it interesting (and loved how he wrote Artemis), but it was also very self-contained in both scale and narrative placing within the book.