Quote Originally Posted by Ravin' Ray View Post
Tapping into historical conflicts there! Japan was once considered the villain in East and Southeast Asia before and during World War II; now it's China's turn to be labeled as such. Good thing Aero and Wave learned to work together. I wonder if we'll have a complete ASEAN roster of teams.
Interesting that you mentioned China Ray. Just reading about what China has done in the past few years in terms of accruing power and control has given me pause. Reading what the Xi Jinping and the CCP has done to Hong Kong...................I edge on frustration with that. Having ties to both sides of that conflict can cause one to be in a difficult position.

I wonder if the next Agents of Atlas book would deal with that. Aero and Wave may have worked together in the past. Do they do so now?

As for ASEAN members, absolutely. Want to see more Filipinos, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Thai, Malaysians, etc. represented here. Already expressed my hopes for a Filipino marine character. Actually, that reminds me, I'm still waiting for these characters to show up in the Marvel Universe proper:

These are the Warriors of the Sky from Marvel's Future Fight game. Most of them are from Southeast Asia. Think they'd be excellent additions to the Agents.