Quote Originally Posted by Askani's Flame View Post
In the past there was some very passion/romance vibes between Rachel and Kate. Since Gold they have been written as more friends through work from Kate's end, with Rachel appearing in Marauders feeling more like actual friends. Kate has always gone back and forth with Ray like a yo-yo: "Yes you protected me in the future let's be besties - No you are horrible and broke Morlock mirror you're monster leave - Oh no Rachel might be hurt she's my friend again - Oh we can't find her she's abandoned us she's garbage - Oh look Rachel has been trapped in the Mojoverse she's the best - oh everyone thinks Rachel is sexy I hate her and resent her for being sexy" It goes on and on and on. I'm tired just typing it. Either do something with them or don't. But I think Rachel is better off with Kate as a friend at this point as she's a mess with tattooed knuckles.
This.I don't mind if they choose to do any of the 2 ships or leave her single.I would rather her have no relation than a bad one.