I have nearly all of the JMS run (missing OMD & BND), and just started the Slott run [Spider-Island, Superior, Parker Luck & Clone Conspiracy - yes I am a filthy trade waiter -- sue me!] I've been seeing/hearing good things about Spencer's Spider-Man run so far (I think he started in 2017?) and figured that enough time has passed that I can start collecting trades for reasonable prices (I've searched for Spider-Man Big Time, and Kaine's Scarlet Spider run -- which are apparently out of print and upwards of $120 USD!)

I genuinely enjoyed the Conway Spider-Man runs and the 90's interlude between Clone Saga and JMS, and I loved Superior Spider-Man, what would the consensus be on a trade-waiter should I jump on the Spencer run before it goes out of print and skyrockets in price??