The problem I see with the pacifist angle (from a creative point of view), is that, while it may prove ocassionally interesting, and provide unique writing moments, it automatically rules out Wonder Man as a top player in any team. I mean, very few characters are in his power range (as much as Marvel tries to beef up it's flavour of the month new darling. I'm looking at you, Captain Marvel, Sentry, Blue Marvel, Hyperion, Rogue, Ares, etc...). Not everybody can (or at least could) hit with the power of Thor's hammer. In a team set, Simon could never be the top dog dog. You'd need someone about as powerful to do the heavy lifting, or hitting. Plus, it may work fine against the run of the mill terrorist or Hidra goon, or second rate henchmen, but what good would smashing weapons, or using his invulnerability, do against someone like Thanos or Ultron, which are the kinds of foes Simon and the Avengers face on a regular basis? Never was this better shown, the way I see it, then in Avengers No Surrender, when Simon has to confront the Hulk. I mean, the Universe was at stake, and all Simon could do was use delaying tatics until other powerhouses such as Hercules and Thorette showed up to really try to stop the Hulk. From a creative point of view, IMHO, this always relagates Simon to second fiddle.
