Quote Originally Posted by caj View Post
You know, it just occurred to me that I had to wait several months before getting issues #1 & 2.

Because I wasn't near a comic book store, I sent in for a subscription for the Baxter books. But instead of sending me the first two issues, I didn't start getting them until #3. So I came into this story right in the middle. That's a serious knock on the subscription department of DC at the time. Why wouldn't you begin a subscription with the first issue?

It was probably five or six months before I found a comic book store (more than an hour away from where I lived) where I could buy the first two issues. Luckily awhile later, I started going to college in the city where the comic book store was. It was always exciting to go in there and look for new or older books and merchandise.
The lag in subscription times back in the day was always around 8-10 weeks I want to say; even well into the 90's when I was subscribing to about 6-7 titles. I'm assuming you were filling out and mailing in the sub forms from the actual issues...? If so, you were at the mercy of the USPS, plus processing time on DC's end. I remember a few titles being advertised the way you described (get #1-2 together), but it never worked for me either. I subscribed to GL: Mosaic in hopes of getting the free power ring they offered - and I mailed in my coupon in plenty of time - only to have my sub start with #3 as well. Nearly four months after the fact!

But I digress... back to the LoSH!