Sorry, but anyone putting the Austen trash run over Aaron is INSANE. You might not love Aaron's run but I view it as just playing with the brightest toys in the sand box and just smashing them together to see what happens...there's a big full-color, widescreen joy in Aaron's run that I'm really digging without getting uptight because "Oh, he's disrespecting this 40 year old storyline" or "That's not how my myopic interpretation of this character would EVER act!" There's nothing wrong with the Avengers being big and broad and kinda crazy in how it's done...they shouldn't be a bunch of brooding moody self-reflective downbeat types. You want that, the X-books are at the other end of the comic shelves (or the Bendis run is available in trade form).

Austen, though...YIKES. Easily the worst writer to work on the book ever. Two lobotomies and a billion pairs of rose-colored glasses couldn't make me wax nostalgic for the fecal discharge that was his run.