Quote Originally Posted by phantom1592 View Post
Okay... I'll be honest, I don't remember him ever building a time machine or AI. Doom's time platform and Doombots, Reed's space ships, Pym and Ultron are major parts of their characters. When and why did Peter ever discover time travel?! I mean, I don't have EVERY issue or anything and there are ton of holes in my collection, but that all seems REALLY out of character.
I mean, he didn't discover time travel lol. I think Doom did that in Marvel. He's just built time machines, like he did in one of those Stan Lee issues with Marcos Martin for example. Peter has built AIs during his time at Parker Industries. They weren't like Ultron or anything, just your average robots. I also don't see why it's out of character for Peter to build any of those things? He's a scientist, that's what he does...