Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Why do the Arrow Family keep popping up in Bat-Books?
My assumption is that because Bat-Books are more likely to sell? (Wouldn't be surprised if Catwoman #25 becomes more desirable rise because of this)

On that note, that 80th Anniversary Green Arrow Special has become a lot more interesting. It's possible that 80th Anniversary Special could end up just being a series of continuity-lite stories, just simple and fun little stories like past anniversary specials have been. However, there's now the potential of two different reunions for that special. We can potentially get an Oliver/Conner reunion, and/or maybe a Roy/Lain reunion.

I'm just mostly theorizing on that though, not really betting on it actually happening given where the current Catwoman, Infinite Frontier, and Robin storylines are at the moment. But I think it would be a smart decision for DC if they did that; why have so much focus on the Green Arrow cast these last few months if there wouldn't be a pay-off in a comic called Green Arrow? Another, another theory, Checkmate could actually secretly be a Green Arrow-esque book, and that's where we'll start seeing a lot of the pay-off.