Quote Originally Posted by GenericUsername View Post
The difference between how they treated Wanda and how they treated Cap and Tony is they were defined as heroes before they had them mess up. They had their solos that cemented them in the heroic column. And a few of them at that.

Wanda has had background appearances and a show that pegs her as a gray character. Not much heroics in the middle of that.

I'm not really worried about the public loving her. I'm worried that Marvel over the years lost the message and the point of the character.

It does seem close to Hulk, but then they had Hulk do basically nothing after that, lol.

I hope it's better than Hulk, and that they have her be a hero from here on out.
That is the whole Moral then to Marvel the Comics division mostly, they are not just some island that can do whatever they choose and ignore where the winds are going now. They may of had excustions that they worry Wanda was not known enought or could not sell enought, blah, Blah, the excustions are now more older then ever.

As a LCS owner told me, they are in the business of making Money and Wanda has now made that money thanks to WandaVision giving that push. It should not have taken that to do so, but Marvel will always have excuses to give and now they run out.

Anything after this is just faulty drifting and not seizing the moment and they should be called on for it.

They have the Darkhold coming out but that should just be the leaping board and just the Water given to your dinner table level of what should be to come. How they handle her is the question, but now that more of the eyes of the world are on them and I am sure Disney might be too given what marketing they can do with Wanda, they need to think more now then just rehasing HoM outcom stories to much anymore.

As for the MCU, Yea Wanda as a 2-3rd Tier character given just to more then enought moments to evovle her characters, but now that Ceiling is Broken like dust, she has the ablity and the showing now to be beyond 2nd tier into 1st placers and maybe to the top tier, I think Fiegh and the MCU might have been going for that, WandaVision was their test grounds for her and that succeded by their scopes.

So NOW what they do with her is in their ballcourt. It is not giving them blank trust, but they have a cleaner record of postive for their heroes even threw darkness then the comics do, it just shows what they will decided next. But the Reaction by the public should now give them pause to re-think and be certain to take a more postive and ever increasing postive role for her in the MCU GOING Forward.

That should be the hope and the likely reaction if they want to make more of an impact and money.