I have to admit I never read it. It came out when I wasn't really reading any Marvel comics regularly, though I had a friend who was and I'd flip through the occasional issue. Thing was, it was Chris Claremont writing CB, and I swore I'd never read his take on the character again. So often I'd read what amounted to hostile takes on Brian's Captain Britain from American writers that the character simply wasn't my CB any more, and I needed really strong word of mouth before I'd be persuaded to read CB again (which proved to be Captain Britain & MI:13).

When I was younger I would pretty much pick up any book featuring one of my favourites because I knew I'd get to see them much as I remembered them, and they'd do something relatively cool or heroic, even if it was just one panel; these days though, you see a former favourite character in a book, you know there's a good chance they will be trashed by the writer and bear little resemblance to the character you liked. It's stupid on Marvel's part - putting a minor hero as a guest star in a book used to guarantee that characters fans picking up the book and giving a little boost in sales; now I don't even think of picking up a book with CB in unless I see people talking positively about it here in this thread.