Never started one of these (appreciation threads) before but felt like Maddy needs one in 2021 since after her epic return in the first arc of Hellions, I have no doubt Wells will be bringing her back again in 2021. Maddy is my favorite female X-character ever since the Outback era when the X-Men found her after Sinister and the Marauders failed execution. She is the main reason I collected the X-Man (Nate Grey) book back in the day. I wish she would get over the Scott/Jean thing, though her never caring for them is fine with me, just stop making her getting them her raison d'etre (reason for existing). I like her with Alex, two characters who always get the short end of the stick when compared to Scott and Jean but both of whom I like way more than Scott and Jean. Alex always saw Maddy as Maddy because he never had a thing for Jean. He cares for Maddy more than Jean and he may be the only X-character that can say that. I would also like to see her driven to have relationships with both her sons, Cable (either young or old) and Stryfe (because Maddy of all people wouldn't think less of him for being a clone). I liked her as just a pilot or as Anodyne but loved her in the Goblin Queen outfit. Maybe a little less demony, maybe having a little of the Anodyne healing powers as well as a highly power telekinetic. I would say lose the telepathy because that always ends badly but she may need that to fix Alex.