After watching Eren get the power of the Warhammer Titan Mikasa declares that this is BS, tells Eren "B!tch, hold my beer!" and storms off the battlefield.

Three days later, she comes back. Changed. She too has acquired the power of a Warhammer Titan. The problem? She went to the Adeptus Mechanicus, kicked a whole lot of arse, and after getting them to do some free work, they turned her into a new kind of technomorphing Titan Shifter. She can now form around herself different Titans...from WARHAMMER 40K!

In her arsenal the Admech have given her a few options. She has the ability to switch between:


ALSO! Every time she shifts, her ammo is replenished and a full overhaul is completed. So all she needs to do to recover is either shift back to human and shift again, or shift into another GodMachine!

How does the world of AOT change, now that Mikasa has become a conduit for the Omnissiah?