Here's what I mean--

When people say Superman is being written like Batman, they usually mean that Superman stories are borrowing elements from Batman stories. For example, having General Lane give Superman information in the same way that Commissioner Gordon does for Batman.

Basically, there are story-telling mechanics that make you think, "This is a Batman story" or "This is a Superman story," even if the leads at Barbara and Kara, rather than Bruce and Clark.

We've seen the Spider-man formula applied to other Spider-characters, most notably Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales, but has it ever been used on Superman?

I may be able to think of Superman elements being used on Spider-man but not the reverse. Those examples could include, Spider-man partnering with Horizon labs like how Clark partnered with STAR labs on STAS, or Spider-man being associated with American iconography in Spider-man 3.