Quote Originally Posted by misslane View Post
There's absolutely no reason why Lois and Clark could have both had voiceovers in the opening of the pilot. Alternatively, since his voice narrated the beginning, her voice could have narrated the end. Lois could have had one line with her father that referenced her experience growing up with an absentee dad or a line that referenced what it was possibly like losing her mother at a young age and moving to new homes and schools. She could have said literally one throwaway line about what it was like for her growing up with a sister, Lucy, who was unlike her or at odds with her. There were plenty of tiny ways a writer who actually cared about Lois and her character could have used elements of her canon to enrich the story and develop her more.
It doesn't seem like there's the same drama with General Lane that we usually get with Lois here, since they actually seem to get along and respect each other enough.

Of course, this is still early on so we might get more drama between them and tensions over her relationship with Clark.

I am curious if they're ever going to recast Lucy.