With Snyder and Capullo (And Johns and Fabok) stepping away from DC for the time being, who do you think are the top writer and artist at the company?

I know this is a subjective question but there is some objectivity you can bring to it. Snyder has shaped Batman and then Justice League and the two last big events DC has done. Capullo was the artist on said events. I think they were definitely considered the unofficial top dogs at the company. Who is it now?

Is it Bendis because of his name recognition and the fact that he's on Justice League? (I don't think so)
Is it Williamson cause he seems to be spearheading Infinite Frontier #0?
Is it Tynion IV cause he's kind of the head of Batman right now and Snyder's protege?
Is it Taylor who seems to be getting more and more influence on the mainstream universe and has TWO immensely popular AU stories going on?

And art wise...

It seems to me like it's Dan Mora (who is just now getting started but is already a superstar and has been doing so many covers for the company) or Jorge Jiminez who was on Justice League and now Batman. I guess David Marquez is on Justice League and immensely talented...but he hasn't made his mark on DC yet.

My vote would be Williamson (with a strong argument for Tynion IV) and Jiminez.

Am I missing someone?