Quote Originally Posted by Powerboy View Post
Ghost Rider was bad and almost universally panned by the critics but I actually liked it.

Same with Green Lantern. Not as bad as made out to be but still bad. But I liked it.

"The Man From Uncle" movie, to my surprise, was the biggest flop of it's year but I thought it was very good.

I liked the last FF movie until the last 20 minutes or so. Up until then, I kind of liked the weird, mundane style like they were almost doing a documentary on the daily lives of the characters. Then, in the last few minutes it was like, "Oh, we've got to contrive a big action/ fight scene to end this and it's got to come out of nowhere because we can't just have everybody say goodnight and go to bed for the ending".
Man from Uncle was a pretty decent flick. I know it was a flop but I don't think its universally disliked.