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Thread: Dan Didio era

  1. #61
    Mighty Member ducklord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post

    While there are plenty of New 52 haters who blame Didio for it, are there any New 52 fans who, even if they liked the intial launch, feel Didio should bear some blame for its eventual collapse?
    While I'll eschew assigning blame ('cause I don't know jack), I will say that, in my opinion, New 52 was doomed from the start.

    It was an line-wide reboot cobbled together at the last minute out of random mini-series ideas, new and old ongoings that had to be mangled to fit in the new continuity, and a small handful of genuine reboots. It was a misbegotten mess from day one, and it's a surprise that it held together at all.

    I *really* want to read a behind-the-scenes look at how it came about someday.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post
    I’ve been thinking about this, and I’m curious for some feedback.

    While there are plenty of New 52 haters who blame Didio for it, are there any New 52 fans who, even if they liked the intial launch, feel Didio should bear some blame for its eventual collapse?

    The original Batwoman creative team quitting after a last minute interference on their marriage plan, Berganza’s mess in the Superman books only spiraling even further out of control, the bad gimmick ideas like What the New 52 and that weird era where Hal had a power glove, Superman was going through Truth, and Batman was Gordon....

    The New 52 had plenty of gold books and creative teams, but it feels like Didio excercised no quality control and tended to run off promising or established writers, sometimes right after strong runs, all while heading towards the next ill-planned Big Event.

    I’m thinking of how much stronger some of those New 52 books started out as before eventually slipping into chaotic instability that either had some tie to Didio or to one of his subordinates that he should have nipped in the bud when he could.
    Static's writer QUIT before the first issue and it took folks threatening to boycott his work to get him to open up about how much of a mess the editor and artist did. Same editor who derailed Cyborg's book. The artist became the writer and blamed Static fans for not buying it. Static Shock issue 6 was the WORST edited book ever at DC.
    When a Milestone alum who wrote Static once and worked under McDuffie leaves-that should have been a HUGE red flag. Yet folks took it as a sign to bash Static-who they now hope will take down Miles Morales. We are an Oscar win, New Times Best seller and almost 100 solo issues too late for that.

    Firestorm had a creative team who did NOT want to do the book. Credit to Gail Simone and Ethan Van Sciever for trying and being the last folks to treat Jason Rusch with respect.

    I mean, I know Scot Lobdell has his fans for Red Hood and that Damage book, but there was a period where Lobdell could engender bad blood for both what he put in the book and did outside of it but still get multiple books that were arguably outside his actual skillset and ability to produce, while guys like Andy Diggle, George Perez, Marc Andreyko, and Kylo Higgins were losing books or quitting.
    While Dan can get blamed for that. That is also a comic book community issue.

    The comic book community has to be more OPEN to giving folks a SHOT-no matter race, sexual identity or their previous/current field. That is how you weed out bad writers.
    Lobdell is a name-who will get a book on the shelf at the majority of comic book stores. Especially if it's Red Hood or Teen Titans.
    If Dc had hired Gene Luen Yang (BEFORE he did Airbender and other books at Dark Horse)-how long would he have lasted?

    Now add in this-
    DC was suffering from a bad case of nepotism during New 52.
    You got what we all saw. He was a name and could produce SOMETHING. I am sure they wish they had Kyle Higgins now.

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