So a few months ago I posted a thread on does continuity matter to you. A lot of people said yes.

My question is why?

With over 80 years of comics history, so many reboots and recons making it so hard to keep up why does continuity matter to you?

For me it does not. I jump all over the place in my reading. I read Golden age and Silver age mostly but have been cutting my teeth on some newer stuff over the last 4 or 5 months. I am glad I did because I discovered Ms Marvel Kamala Khan my new favorite super hero

My point is I do not care is a writer knows about every part of a heroes history, or if they change something, because chances are good the next writer will ignore it or change it back any way. Dc has done so many reboots I lost count. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch have had their origin changed more time then I change a shirt. Every hero has gone through a ton of Recons (Im looking at you Spiderman) Who can keep up? And for new readers why does it matter what happen ten or 20 years ago?

So at the end of the day if the story is good and enjoyable it does not matter to me about continuity.

Why does it matters so much to some of you? For those like me why does it not matter?

I am not bashing anyone I just enjoy hearing other peoples views on what they read and why?