Quote Originally Posted by babyblob View Post
I remember a funny story that Patrick Stewert told on one of the late night shows. he never watched TNG. he said he avoided it. But one night after dont a whole day of promotional stuff for the first Xmen then dinner with friends and such he didnt get back to his hotel until 2 am. He said he put on a robe and he had puffy eyes and was tired and said he looked and felt just awful. So he called the front desk and asked them to send him up some headache medicine. While he was waiting he turned on the tv for back round noise or something. What was on was an old TNG episode. He said the hotel worker knocked on his door and he opened it to get the medicine and the worker looked at the tv and then looked at him and gave him this look of pity.

Patrick closed the door and was like WTF? Then he saw that Star Trek was one and all he thought was this hotel worker seeing this pitiful old man watching himself on tv at 2 in the morning. it gave him a good laugh.

Made me smile when I heard that.